About me
Dr. Steve Kucinski, Nationally Board Certified in 2002 and 2012, has taught middle and high school English for 32 years. He has a Bachelor’s in English Education, a Master’s in Educational Administration, and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Adolescent Development from The Ohio State University, and is an adjunct lecturer there as well as at Otterbein University and Ashland University. In his district, he has served as department chair and district English Language Arts Lead Teacher. Dr. Kucinski has been committed to learning and growing in ways that will provide him knowledge and experience he can use to be a better instructor, such as scoring AP and SAT essays for College Board, as well as writing and evaluating questions for the ACT.
Dr. Kucinski’s publications include a young adult novel, Between Friends, and a Barron’s Guide to the Ohio Graduation Test. Additionally, he delivered a TEDx Talk in Worthington in 2016 entitled, “Resolve to Enjoy the Goodness and Beauty in Each Other and in Life.” He enjoys collaborating with colleagues and presenting at conferences both locally and nationally, truly valuing the chances to learn from and to connect with others. His most recent work was a contribution to the online materials for an educational psychology textbook. Currently, Dr. Kucinski is passionate about innovation and creativity in teaching and learning, authentic assessment, and integrating technology meaningfully into the classroom.