Port Clinton Social Emotional Learning & Mental Wellness...
Friday March 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm PDT
We will not accidentally build positive wellness habits and good self-regulation skills, and neither will our students. These skills need to be modeled, encouraged, and practiced with intention. This presentation based on both my children's book on wellness, anxiety coping skills and mindfulness, Unthink Before Bed, and my research an application for The Apple Education Community Forum on using devices to build self-regulation skills with devices and improve wellness, will help us identify and address many of the challenges students face and adults. I will recommend free apps and settings to assist in solving the challenge, and offer a vision of the desired outcome to improve wellness and increase self-regulation. Giving away copies of my book too, and podcast stickers. Participants will learn and practice coping and regulation skills both on their devices and with mind and body.

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Kelly Croy

Director of Innovation & Instruction, Port Clinton City Schools
Kelly Croy is the author of Along Came a Leader: A Guide to Personal & Professional Leadership and the author and illustrator of Unthink Before Bed: A Children’s Book on Mindfulness. He is the host of popular Wired Educator Podcast and travels internationally as a speaker.Kelly... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm PDT
Room 221
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