Port Clinton Social Emotional Learning & Mental Wellness...
Venue: Room 219 clear filter
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Friday, March 14

9:15am PDT

Hiding in Plain Sight: Unveiling the SEL Secrets Within Your Teaching
Friday March 14, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am PDT
Social-emotional learning (SEL) is critical for student success, yet educators often lack a clear, time-efficient path to integrate it into daily lessons. As a result, students may miss the chance to develop essential life skills, leading to lower emotional resilience and diminished academic growth. In this session, discover how to spot and strengthen the SEL already embedded in your teaching. You’ll gain practical insights for highlighting these hidden components, learn to combine strategies that calm classrooms and boost engagement, and receive access to over 200 evidence-based methods—each aligned to specific SEL competencies. Walk away prepared to build a thriving, supportive, and high-achieving learning environment.
avatar for Marcey Aronson

Marcey Aronson

Co-founder, BrainZones
Marcey Aronson is a highly qualified and experienced educator with over three decades of experience working with at-risk students in inner-city environments. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education and Elementary Education and has been awarded the prestigious Ohio... Read More →
avatar for Marlon Wayne

Marlon Wayne

Marlon Wayne has spent his career exploring the intersection of new technologies and market application. From phil&teds to Google, where data management and attention to metric integrity was a cornerstone; Marlon has established a reputation for thinking beyond innovation to integration... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 9:15am - 10:00am PDT
Room 219
  Session 1
  • Subject Classroom & School-Wide SEL
  • about Debbie Leonard, M.Ed., Certified Ohio Master Teacher, brings over 30 years of experience in education, specializing in supporting at-risk and struggling students in urban settings. From her early work in a boys reformatory to teaching middle school students with severe behavioral challenges, Debbie has consistently implemented neuroscience-inspired strategies such as mindfulness and brain breaks to transform classrooms. As the co-founder of BrainZones, she pioneered the integration of affective neuroscience, positive psychology, and social-emotional learning (SEL), developing a comprehensive model that has significantly improved student behavior and academic performance. Additionally, Debbie has played a key role in creating the BrainZones app, a scalable tool that facilitates SEL implementation across various grade levels and disciplines. Passionate about empowering educators, Debbie continues to provide research-backed strategies and innovative solutions to foster resilience, empathy, and positive student-staff relationships nationwide.

10:10am PDT

Teaching Kids, Not Content: SEL and the Science of Engagement
Friday March 14, 2025 10:10am - 10:55am PDT
In an age where AI can deliver content, the teacher’s role is evolving. This session challenges educators to move beyond traditional curriculum-provided lessons and pacing guides to include what students truly need—authentic relationships, emotional intelligence, and effective collaboration. CoreTex, a research-informed brain model, demonstrates how classroom activities and strategies drive behavior, knowledge acquisition, engagement, and social interactions. By integrating SEL and empowering educators with an understanding of how emotions shape learning, CoreTex provides tools to reduce disruptions, enhance attention, and build the emotional intelligence students need to thrive. With access to a database of over 200 research-backed strategies, CoreTex equips teachers to create effective, student-centered learning experiences and focus on teaching kids, not just content.
avatar for Marcey Aronson

Marcey Aronson

Co-founder, BrainZones
Marcey Aronson is a highly qualified and experienced educator with over three decades of experience working with at-risk students in inner-city environments. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Special Education and Elementary Education and has been awarded the prestigious Ohio... Read More →
avatar for Marlon Wayne

Marlon Wayne

Marlon Wayne has spent his career exploring the intersection of new technologies and market application. From phil&teds to Google, where data management and attention to metric integrity was a cornerstone; Marlon has established a reputation for thinking beyond innovation to integration... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 10:10am - 10:55am PDT
Room 219

11:45am PDT

"You fill a bucket drop-by-drop": strategies for TEACHER self-care, time maximization, and improving personal and staff morale
Friday March 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm PDT
All educators are aware of the incredible demands of working with today's students. Not enough educators, though, take the time to look closely at ways to reduce their own workload and stress levels, to steal time during the school day and year, to invest time in the happiness of one's self and one's colleagues, and to lean into the common struggles all educators face. We tend to work only on some of these aspects, alone and in "quiet desperation," as Thoreau famously noted. This session will cover aspects such as taming the grading workload, improving morale as a staff or building, joyful communication, and other techniques that, in concert, will make a tremendous, positive difference for you and for your colleagues (and, by extension, your students).

avatar for Dr. Steve Kucinski

Dr. Steve Kucinski

teacher/lecturer, Dublin Coffman High School / The Ohio State University
Dr. Steve Kucinski, Nationally Board Certified in 2002 and 2012, has taught middle and high school English for 32 years. He has a Bachelor’s in English Education, a Master’s in Educational Administration, and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Adolescent Development from The... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 11:45am - 12:30pm PDT
Room 219

12:40pm PDT

"I made a difference to that one!": The Starfish Story and the power of reaching out to students as individuals
Friday March 14, 2025 12:40pm - 1:25pm PDT
You have likely heard The Starfish Story, and the first time you did, it likely brought you to tears. Then, survival mode kicked in like it tends to for educators. We try to be everything for everybody, put out fires, and as a bonus, maybe stay sane. We think about our students, though, as individuals, all the time; it's why we got into this work. Alas, though, it may not seem to them like we do. There are ways, though, to show this to them without fanfare, and without major time, financial, or emotional expense to us. No matter how long you have taught, you remember the students for whom you made a small, positive difference even if, at the time, you were not really even trying. Rest assured, they remember you, too. Helping a student feel loved, valued, and appreciated is perhaps the most significant win-win that exists in education, with everyone's buckets getting filled. Let's explore and share ways to do this for our students at a time when all other noise in our lives may seem more pressing.
avatar for Dr. Steve Kucinski

Dr. Steve Kucinski

teacher/lecturer, Dublin Coffman High School / The Ohio State University
Dr. Steve Kucinski, Nationally Board Certified in 2002 and 2012, has taught middle and high school English for 32 years. He has a Bachelor’s in English Education, a Master’s in Educational Administration, and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Adolescent Development from The... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 12:40pm - 1:25pm PDT
Room 219
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